Saturday 31 July 2010


It weird everone including me i think, have said that they have lost friendships during college and maybe i have but i generally don't notice,

I think the toughest part about losinga friend must be the fact that they knew you, and like you for it they knew your fears, they knew you secerts and everything. I think it would be hard to lose something like that, Its why i think me and dan are the way we are now, we know and been with each other to long to really just drop and leave everything.

I don't think i've lost a friendship its more, i just feel the time is right to move on, you know intrest change, sense of humour change, stuff like that, an the friendship is there just forgotton in the past, it can be reignighted again like a candle but its not forever. I think its good to think about it like that. It means you still got a friend but for now you can move away branch out and maybe find new people to spend a few years of there life with. I'm think this maybe one of the man reasons why i enjoy this college life so much, changes and new chance happen constantly.

Just got to go for it. New chances are going to come. and hopefully friendships wil remain maybe not a there once peak but still strong enough to say hi and have a converstation. I'm looking forward to college next year :)


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